⇒ Stamp Tax

I. Stamp Tax on Advertisements

– A proportional tax is due on the advertisement wage and cost. Every communication, notification or announcement made via any medium shall be deemed an advertisement.

– Tax Ratio: Proportional tax (20%) of the advertisement wage and cost.

Taxable Person to Pay and Remit the Tax:

– Owner of the advertisement who is a natural person shall pay the tax to the competent Tax Department on Form No. (10/ خ /Stamp); the entity that performs an advertisement shall notify the natural persons to collect the tax and remit same to the competent Tax Department, within two months from date of the notification.
Every entity carrying out the advertisement must notify the tax authority of the advertisements that are displayed, broadcast or published. It must describe the advertisement, its value and the tax due on it.

II. Stamp Tax on Loans, Banking Transactions, Documentations, and the Equivalent thereof:

An annual proportional tax is due on whatever credit facilities, granted by banks, as well as loans and borrowings that are submitted by banks during each quarter in addition to the opening balance for the same quarter.

Tax Rate: one thousandth each quarter.

The Taxable Person: The bank and the client bear the tax equally.

The Taxable Person: The bank shall be under the obligation to pay and remit the due tax every quarter, within a maximum period of seven business days from the end of each quarter, to the competent Tax Department on Form No. (8/خ/Stamp).

III. Stamp Tax on Transactions of Sale of Financial Securities in all Their Kinds:

– A tax is imposed on total transactions of sale of financial securities in all their kinds, whether such securities are Egyptian or foreign, listed or unlisted on the stock markets, without deducting any costs.


Tax Rate: A tax is levied as follows:

– 1.25 thousandth to be borne by the non-residing seller, 1.25 thousandth to be borne by the non-residing purchaser.

– 0. 5 thousandth to be borne by the residing seller, 0. 5 thousandth to be borne by the residing purchaser.

*Disclaimer: This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as legal, accounting, tax or other professional advice.